Collaborative Team

Composed by women from various fields working with a common goal: to work together for the common good, the planet and the children.


  • Create a space reflective on matters of contingency global and local, to find solutions or proposals in computer.

  • Collaborate in the creation and development of projects for the development of our areas of work.

  • To generate a creative space as a hotbed of ideas about subjective well-being and planetary.

  • Offer a space for opinion and co-creation to creative women and leaders.

Montserrat Vega Lavandeira

Montserrat Vega Lavandeira

Founder and Director of Green Please for Kids. Educator and cultural manager,

Gabriela Simonetti-Grez

Gabriela Simonetti-Grez

A degree in Performing Arts and a Master's in Cultural Management

Natalia Lozano Harcha

Natalia Lozano Harcha


Blanca Estela Molina Burgos

Blanca Estela Molina Burgos

Bióloga Marina y Dra. en Medicina de la Conservación

Camila Ahumada Cáceres

Camila Ahumada Cáceres

Educadora al Aire Libre certificada de North Wales Outdoor Learning UK y Educadora Ambiental

María José Bello

María José Bello

She graduated in performing Arts, actress and founder of the theatre companies C. I. T and Theatre The National

Camila Diez Huerta

Camila Diez Huerta

Designer, co-Director of Project Fire, Art Agency and a specialist in the area of Movement and Expression, Styling and Art Direction in Audiovisual and Photography.

 Paulina Silva Hauyón

Paulina Silva Hauyón

Bachelor in Visual Arts from the Universidad Finis Terrae, Santiago de Chile and a Master's degree in Research in Art and Creation from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Javiera Donoso Azagra

Javiera Donoso Azagra

A Clinical psychologist, University of Central Chile. Diploma in Expressive Techniques and Symbolic Elaboration, Adolfo Ibáñez University and in Foundations and Practice of Psychoanalytic Clinic from Winnicott by the Universidad Diego Portales.

Isabel León Cifuentes

Isabel León Cifuentes

Civil engineer Metallurgy of the University of Concepción, with years of experience in the areas of Planning, Metallurgy plant, Geo metallurgy and Laboratories.

Nancy Carrasco Ríos

Nancy Carrasco Ríos

Interpreter and translator Spanish/English. His professional training has been linked to the Administrative area, program Coordinator of international studies. He was also in charge of training programs and communication. Seminars and events.